The animated film "Inu-Oh" is confirmed for release in Japan on May 28 Film Information Director: Masaaki Yuasa Screenwriter: Akiko Nogi Voice Cast: Avu Chan (lead singer of Queen Bee), Mirai Moriyama, Tasuku Emoto, Kenjiro Tsuda, and Yutaka Matsushige Character Design: Taiyo Matsumoto Music: Yoshihide Otomo Original Work: Tale of the Heike: Inu-Oh by Hideo Furukawa Production Companies: Science SARU, Asmik Ace, Open Culture Entertainment (OCE), etc. Synopsis: The film tells the transcendent tale of friendship between the historical figure of the Noh performer Inu-Oh and a blind biwa musician named Tomona, spanning across time and space. OCE's Participation in Production OCE has always been dedicated to the bilateral exchange of animated films between China and Japan. Their investment in this Japanese film is driven by the charm and excellence of the work itself. The film has already been selected for several prestigious film festivals, including the 78th Venice International Film Festival and the 46th Toronto International Film Festival. Some of the film festivals where Inu-Ou has been shortlisted Foreign Media Reviews 影片入围的部分电影节一览 部分外媒影评